Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Why is it that people that work and have children, think that just because you don't work, you have nothing else to do with your day. So you might as well watch their children. I have been so extremely exhausted the past few days it is ridiculous. It just seems as if they think that I don't have a life of my own so I should just watch their kids. Don't get me wrong I love kids. I just figure I have my own kids and my own things to do, why should I add to that. It's overwhelming as it is. It wouldn't be as bad if some of the people that I am doing these things for would return the favor but I know that they never will. I don't know maybe I am just over-reacting or something. All I know is that I have never been more exhausted in my life!


REENblack said...

From a fellow stay-at-home mom and friend, you are not over reacting at all. In fact I would highly encourage you to say no, even if its family/close friends members that you are saying no to. When I did day-care for those 18 horrid months I learned that really quickly!!! I'm sorry Tiff, if you need an ear let me know and i'll give you a call!!!!

REENblack said...

PS I love your flower pic!!!