Sunday, September 23, 2007


So I know I have been neglecting this whole blog for about a month now but I have been keeping myself really busy with the boys and their soccer and just really hadn't had any time to just sit and relax and take things slow.....So hopefully in the near future I will have a day of rest!

Monday, September 3, 2007

A DaY O' ResT

Not too much to say today except it is Labor Day and I intend to go out to my mom's for a BBQ and just relax. The boys start a new school tomorrow which is a bit nerve wracking but I will be there with them so I am sure they will do fine! Oh yes and a update on the Walla Walla County was great but a little disappointed about the lack of booths. It was fun though. Oh yea and Kevin did great with the Mutton Bustin....I will try my hardest to post a video but I am not sure how to do it!